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Marble Surface

We Are Coming Back


5enses Design is growing!

To our customers, clients and all around cheerleaders. We appreciate ALL of your support...trusting us with your  projects, renovations and staging your beautiful homes and offices. WE THANK YOU! However, we are growing and scaling up in ways we couldn't even imagine! Because of that, we have decided to take a step back in order to offer you more services, more options, and more ways to work with each other.  

As of September 8, 2021, we are pausing all new bookings and consultations. Trust us, this was a very hard decision to make, but one that is necessary to make sure we can fully commit to doing what we do best; serving our awesome clients. For those of you that have already booked consultations, we will continue to proceed with your projects as planned. 

Unfortunately, we had to pause our Grand ReOpening that was scheduled for January 2022 due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are looking forward to our Grand ReOpening and relaunching our new website by February 2022. In the meantime, get on our email list to stay in touch with us. Sign up below!

Again, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!! You all have been nothing short of amazing...and we want to be able to return the favor by scaling in a direction that will take us to the next level. We can't wait to show you what we're up are ALL in for a treat!

Love and light,...

Jernell Rochelle, President

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